Samstag, 29. November 2008

"De Angels" by Temitope Ibimidun

It's an honour to present to you the first contribution to the "fashionglobe" by Temitope Ibimidun, currently living in London. She is an ex model and ex beauty queen who knows what looking good is all about. Therefore all her pieces are done to the utmost creativity to help in flauntering the feminine curve, grace and beauty. Nowadays she is Designer and CEO of De Angels Couture which uses mainly African fabric with european touch to create an Afro-centric look that can easily compete with the high street look and at these time gives you the edge to stand out from the crowd.

Here are some pieces of her collection:

Thank you so much for your input!
(for further information:

Montag, 24. November 2008


This blog has been created thanks to a revolutionary idea to give some of the most innovative but yet unknown designers a chance to show the world their producings. By changing western mainstream fashion in more authentic styles, influenced by many cultures, I want to create a surplus in identity finding and self-realization for everyone. The notion started after visiting the fashion metropolis of New York. I dreamed of leading a project involving fashion but at the same time making a social commitment. I wish to enable people from different sectors and from various parts of the globe to profit of my vision and ambition. That's why I want to give all of you the possibility to show your creativity and imagination to the world. I am thrilled to receive some pictures of your work that I can post on the blog. Just send them to
I need your help in achieving my longtime goal of encouraging people to wear clothes that reflect their origin and to be proud of it.
Yours, Sibylle